Saturday, January 12, 2008

Metairie, Louisiana

While we were visiting the New Orleans area last weekend, we spent one afternoon in Metairie. Both Mom & Dad lived in Metairie before they were married and Mom even taught at an elementary school there. So we drove around to see if we could find any of their old stomping grounds back in 1969. Here is a picture of her school and a picture of one of his apartments!

1 comment:

Grandma Patton said...

It was my 2nd year of teaching when I moved from S'port to the N.O. area. I first taught in Kenner and recently looked at a class picture. My first grade class had 41 students in it that year. YIKES--I don't know how I did it. It's probably why I transferred to Hearst in Metarie the next yr.